Tomorrow is going to be quite a day. It will be the 140th day in a row that I've lived with a headache.
It all started August 21st when I had to go in to the ER to get a CAT scan and some blood work due to an episode of vertigo. My head wasn't hurting at the time, but after they gave me a cocktail of different meds in the ER to fix the dizziness, my head was KILLING ME. Their best guess was ocular migraines. Since then, I've had a headache every day. Since I'm pregnant, I can't take anything. Now don't get me wrong, I haven't had a migraine every day. It's always there and it's always in my way, but it isn't debilitating - most of the time.
Also, the pregnancy was planned and prayed for so it's not holding me back from treatment. When we originally opened the bill from the hospital where they charged us our first born for the inconclusive CAT scan, we pretty much decided right then that unless I start seizing all over the floor, this issue (that is not life threatening - only thing we learned from the ER visit) would have to wait.
Sometimes it really doesn't bother me or even command my attention through the day. Other days, like this whole past week, it's been a little worse. Hoping I get a nice surprise and wake up without one tomorrow. 139 is enough.
On a happier note, today is my Granny and Grandad's 51st anniversary! How awesome is that?!
have you ever tried going to a chiropractor? years ago i was taking about 12-18 either advil,tylenol,or excederin a day. did this for about 6-9 months before i found a chiropractor & although it was painful at first (since my body wasn't used to being put together properly) in about 3 months my headaches were gone