January 11, 2012

My eyes are getting itchy

Today was the first day of my semester. My three hour class took all of 30 minutes. I guess she figured we would need the rest of the time to go BUY and LOOK OVER our syllabus. The thing is easily 150 pages and cost me $8.50 at a print shop. I don't think I've ever had a syllabus over 5 pages in the 7 years I've been in college. Welcome to the nursing program! It's like death on paper, but I'm excited and I already have it highlighted and tabbed appropriately.

I have someone from pretty much every branch of the medical field tied to my family in some way. My mother-in-law works for the surgeon that will be taking Noah's tonsils and adenoids out this month. Chris' grandmother works for an ophthalmologist. So I called her today to ask about Noah's pink eye. Verdict is as I feared - it's almost a certainty it will work it's way through all three kids so get him to the doc for some antibiotic eye drops stat. Will do. Are anyone else's eyes feeling itchy? O_o

I'm sure his school is going to be THRILLED that he missed a week of school for something other than the tonsillectomy I warned them about. Missing 2 weeks of school in a month - albeit not consecutive weeks - is nothing to sneeze at. Hopefully he isn't scarred for life. I'm rolling my eyes over here... since, you know, sarcasm doesn't translate well in print. He's a smart kid and he'll catch up. Shoot, all he's doing is sitting around reading books through his goopy eyes anyway. That and watching lots of TV, but lets stick to the book story, K?

Seriously... my eyes are starting to itch. Where is the lysol?!

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