June 11, 2010


I hate doing dishes y'all. Hate it with a passion. Sitting here writing about hating dishes is my last ditch effort to avoid doing them. They're sitting there in the sink staring at me and if we plan on eating dinner, they're going to have to be done. I got rid of most of my dishes (I had 3 or 4 sets) so I wouldn't be able to put it off. If I had the option, I'd let them sit until ALL 4 SETS of dishes were spent and then we'd probably have to call in a professional.

I only kept my favorite dishes and got rid of the rest. Now when I procrastinate, it's not the END of the world... just... well... I still hate it.

Anyway, all this to say, I need some new dishes. When you get rid of all your dishes you don't absolutely need... and you have small children who signal they're done with their oatmeal by throwing their bowl on the floor and saying "Uh oh!" as the thing shatters into hundreds of pieces, you end up with a dish shortage and a need to buy dishes. Oh, the irony.

Any chance it's cheaper to just use paper plates? I didn't think so.

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