June 1, 2010

Don't throw that away! It's soft!

A hoarder. Something I never thought I would be, but turns out, I am. Not for the things you'd expect either. I've gotten rid of all my old yearbooks. I don't have any team or class shirts. I didn't hold on to any old school papers or childhood trinkets. I've only kept 2 toys from my childhood with the intent of passing them down to my own children. (One was my very favorite polly pocket and the other is a GI Joe still in the box that I believe may hold some value.)


Seems I have trouble getting rid of other things; soft things and things that bring me comfort. Pajamas, pillows, blankets and jackets are among the worst offenders. WHY do I feel the need to hang on to that 100-year-old t-shirt that's 5 sizes too big, is older than I am and comes out of the wash each time with a new hole I could stick my arm through?!

It's comfortable.

As a Mom, this has become priority one. Why yes, I am cuddling up with this blanket in June. Don't look at me like that! IT'S SOFT, DAD-GUM-IT!

There was a reason that the Mama bear had the cushiest chair and bed. Motherhood demands cush. Speaking of cush, I'm feeling a little fluffy. June 1st has become day numero uno of operation lose-all-this-weight-I've-yet-to-lose-after-having-3-kids. I'll let you know how it goes. OORAH!

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