March 17, 2010

St Patty's Day

It's that time of year again. Everyone's wearing green. People are being assaulted by pinching strangers for not wearing green and they "deserved it" for not giving respect to the holiday. Ahhhh. Can you just smell the freshly mowed clover?

I'm thinking maaaaaaybe 1% of Americans know the origin of St. Patrick's Day. Maybe not that many. You better believe the whole nation celebrates though! We Americans don't pass up an opportunity to drink beer. Wait... we (as a culture) do that every day! No... this is different! It's GREEN beer!

Beer is disgusting, just for the record.

At least this holiday is in honor of something worth celebrating! It's about a man named Maewyn Succat (his name later changed to Patrick - a more Christian name) and how he brought Christianity to Ireland. It's a good story. Maybe you could look it up while you're sitting there with your Guinness?

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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