March 6, 2010

Dirty playgrounds

Yesterday was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! It was warm and sunny for the first time in what seems like ages. I gathered some courage and walked to the park with all 3 kids. It's about 2 blocks from our house and we usually have the place to ourselves. We're there all of about 20 minutes when a tan colored truck pulls into the little mini-parking lot. I'm thinking, "Okay, we'll have some company. Hopefully they aren't big kids who are going to run mine over as they share the equipment." I see some rustling around in the cab. I figure the mom is reaching over the seat to unbuckle the car seat behind her. I was horribly, horribly wrong.

I call Chris. "Sex in a public park is illegal, right?!" He was a little more than irritated.

Not only are they out in public, they're within eye shot of my LITTLE CHILDREN! I'm pretty sure they were a couple of high school kids on their lunch break from school. Who knew a walk to the park could turn into something so dirty? O_o

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