March 29, 2010

My favorite things

Raincoats on children all bundled with mittens
When the rain settles and clears the allergens
Cadbury eggs and the joy that they bring
These are a few of my favorite things

Chris and his cronies and Selah Jade's doodles
Toddlers covered head to toe with egg noodles
The first tree blossoms that come with the Spring
These are a few of my favorite things

Watching the kids race around and their clashes
Kissing their booboos when one of them crashes
Looking at diamonds and trying on rings
These are a few of my favorite things

When the bugs bite
When siblings fight
When we crash and burn
We simply get told to go walk it off and then we wait for our turn.

March 24, 2010

Note to self:

Do not pick up The Diary of Anne Frank when you're having a bad day and trying to escape it through a good book. This would seem obvious, but apparently I hadn't made the connection until I was in a fetal position on the couch accompanied by a frozen margarita.

Don't tell Chris anything and expect him to remember it unless it's in writing. Email is your friend.

Quit letting the kids snack. While you're at it, you stay out of the fridge too. You wonder why there are so many dishes in the sink.

Try not to cringe when you hear "I poopooed, Mom!" from the bathroom. They could be trying to wipe themselves. Remember how that went last time?! Yes. You'd rather do it any day.

March 22, 2010

I really can't believe it.

I'm removing the content of this post so I don't hurt anyone else unintentionally. It was written in anger and wasn't meant to fan any flames.


March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Noah

Today is my firstborn's 4th birthday which makes this my 4th anniversary of motherhood. These 4 years have been the best years of my life. He's so wonderful and precious - I can't imagine my life without him in it. 

This was my beautiful, 8 pound, 20-inch-long baby boy 4 years ago today.

This was my baby boy on his first birthday.

This was my not-so-baby boy on his second birthday.
My little boy on his third birthday.

And here's my boy today before he went to bed. He's not a little boy anymore. He's a real honest-to-goodness kid. A kid that's starting school this fall.

I love him SO much.

March 17, 2010

St Patty's Day

It's that time of year again. Everyone's wearing green. People are being assaulted by pinching strangers for not wearing green and they "deserved it" for not giving respect to the holiday. Ahhhh. Can you just smell the freshly mowed clover?

I'm thinking maaaaaaybe 1% of Americans know the origin of St. Patrick's Day. Maybe not that many. You better believe the whole nation celebrates though! We Americans don't pass up an opportunity to drink beer. Wait... we (as a culture) do that every day! No... this is different! It's GREEN beer!

Beer is disgusting, just for the record.

At least this holiday is in honor of something worth celebrating! It's about a man named Maewyn Succat (his name later changed to Patrick - a more Christian name) and how he brought Christianity to Ireland. It's a good story. Maybe you could look it up while you're sitting there with your Guinness?

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

March 16, 2010

It's not a shameless display of clutter - It's a "garage sale."

Garage sale this weekend! At least, that's the plan. The weather may have other ideas. It's supposed to be 70 degrees on Friday and then snow on Saturday. Really??? Come on, Oklahoma. Work with me here.

I'm more worried about Noah's birthday party that's supposed to happen on Sunday. It's going to be outdoors. Start praying now that we can survive the weather long enough to ring in his 4th birthday with about a million of our closest friends and family. Lord help us.

I'm pumped! Chris is taking off Thursday and Friday to spend some time with us for Noah's birthday. There will be much rejoicing come about 5pm on Wednesday. :) That's tomorrow... in case you didn't know. ::ohmygoodness::

That means I need to get a lot done TODAY. What do I need to get done? I need to do some laundry, hang up the clothes that have been patiently waiting their turn on my to-do list for weeks, and get the clutter out of the living room. The garage could use some organizing since we kind of need to get around in there for this weekend and I'll be darned is Isla doesn't grow out of clothes before I can even hang them up in her closet.

Dishes are under control and the floor could use a quick sweep... for the 6,854th time this week. Yep. I have a lot to do. I think I'll let Chris worry about how the front of the house looks. I need to make garage sale signs. I want the entirety of Edmond to come rummage through my belongings... and give me their quarters. Muahahaha!!

I'm pretty sure a garage sale is the only occasion that it's okay to show off how much junk you own. Anyway, I'm going to seize the opportunity!

Oh my goodness, I have a 4-year-old!

March 6, 2010

Dirty playgrounds

Yesterday was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! It was warm and sunny for the first time in what seems like ages. I gathered some courage and walked to the park with all 3 kids. It's about 2 blocks from our house and we usually have the place to ourselves. We're there all of about 20 minutes when a tan colored truck pulls into the little mini-parking lot. I'm thinking, "Okay, we'll have some company. Hopefully they aren't big kids who are going to run mine over as they share the equipment." I see some rustling around in the cab. I figure the mom is reaching over the seat to unbuckle the car seat behind her. I was horribly, horribly wrong.

I call Chris. "Sex in a public park is illegal, right?!" He was a little more than irritated.

Not only are they out in public, they're within eye shot of my LITTLE CHILDREN! I'm pretty sure they were a couple of high school kids on their lunch break from school. Who knew a walk to the park could turn into something so dirty? O_o