April 6, 2010


Easter is always a holiday I look forward to. Not only is it a time when we all get to dress up and color eggs, it's a time to talk to my kids about the awesome gift that God gave in his son, Jesus Christ. What's even better is that my 4-year-old initiated this conversation:

Noah - "Mom, those bad people stuck Jesus on a big heavy cross."
Me - "They sure did, Honey."
Noah - "And they put NAILS in his hands and in his feet!"
Me - "Yes, they did."
Noah- "They killed him, didn't they, Mom?"
Me - "Yes they did."
Noah - "Mom?"
Me - "Yes?"
Noah - "Are you crying?"
Me - "It just makes me sad that they did that to my Jesus because I love him so much."
Noah - ::gets excited:: "It's okay, Mom! Jesus came back to life! He didn't stay dead! He's alive!"

I don't know if I've ever smiled that big in my life and I know I've never been more proud.

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